A late 17th/early 18th century tower windmill, the ruins of which sit on the outskirts of the village of Ballantrae
The Auld Kirk of Ayr has been a centre of worship in the town of Ayr for over 800 years
Kilbirnie Auld Kirk is a Church of Scotland congregation in North Ayrshire, Scotland. The building dates back to the 15th century.
Rozelle House is a mid-18th century manor on a formerly privately-owned estate in the town of Ayr
Dalgarven Mill Musuem of Country Life and Costume lies in the Garnock Valley, near the town of Kilwinning.
These can be found at Hopeton, which lies at the top of Law Hill towards the Fairlie Moor Road
Electric vehicle charging point
Electric vehicle charging point
A 'living museum' where unique and historically significant industrial steam and diesel locomotives are restored and can be seen working in an authentic setting.
Electric vehicle charging point