The Auld Brig
History & Heritage

13th century bridge stretching across the River Ayr, memorialised in Burns' poem 'The Brigs o' Ayr'

The Auld Brig
Legend has it that the first bridge was founded by a pair of sisters, one of whom was mourning her drowned lover. Their likenesses were carved into the eastern parapet of the Brig, and could still be seen in the Victorian era.
Due to its weakening structure over the centuries, the Auld Brig has been frequently repaired; it was joined in 1788 by the New Brig 100 yards downstream.
Both bridges are commemorated in Robert Burns's poem, 'The Brigs o' Ayr. The poem describes an argument between the two bridges, in which the Auld Brig predicts that it shall remain standing long after the New Brig has gone - a prediction which actually came true! The New Brig had to be demolished after a severe storm in 1879. The present New Bridge is a complete rebuild, while the Old Bridge of Ayr is still standing.
Due to its weakening structure over the centuries, the Auld Brig has been frequently repaired; it was joined in 1788 by the New Brig 100 yards downstream.
Both bridges are commemorated in Robert Burns's poem, 'The Brigs o' Ayr. The poem describes an argument between the two bridges, in which the Auld Brig predicts that it shall remain standing long after the New Brig has gone - a prediction which actually came true! The New Brig had to be demolished after a severe storm in 1879. The present New Bridge is a complete rebuild, while the Old Bridge of Ayr is still standing.
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